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Preventing Falls for Seniors This Winter


How Do You Prevent Falls for Seniors In the Winter?

elderly woman in hospital bed after fallUnfortunately, many seniors will end up in the hospital with fractures this winter caused by slips and falls. It is important to realize for the safety of your elderly loved ones that the risk of falls is greater for seniors.

Winter Fall Prevention Tips:

Senior Care Corner provides the following tips to keep seniors safe this winter:

  • Be sure your senior loved one wears the correct footwear, wearing shoes and boots that are not worn out and still provide good traction on the heels and soles and also include special anti-skid materials to prevent slips and falls.
  • Keep the sidewalks and driveways clear of ice; have someone (hopefully NOT an at-risk senior) blow or shovel the snow away as needed, apply de-icing material such as salt to reduce the ice buildup on walkways.
  • Be sure the steps leading up to the house are in good repair and are not weak or wobbly as they will be even more difficult to navigate safely when there may be snow, water and ice buildup.
  • Caution your senior loved one to take his or her time when moving from one location to another and to step carefully when they can’t tell if the path is clear and have your senior walk with someone to help keep him upright.
  • Be sure all walkways have a steady handrail that can be used to help your senior keep her balance.
  • Remind your loved ones to eat foods or take supplements in adequate amounts that will keep their bones strong to prevent breaks if they do fall. These supplements may include those such as calcium, vitamin D and dairy products — or whatever their doctors recommend.
  • Have your senior loved one stay active all year to maintain the muscles that will help move freely and maintain balance on all walking surfaces, especially ice.
  • Be sure they know not to be afraid to ask for help if needed.
  • Prepare your senior for an emergency if he or she does fall.  Who will she call, how will she get to a phone, who will check on him daily to be sure he is safe?  Is it time for an alert system that can assist in an emergency? Consider implementing planned check-in times when the weather creates extra risks.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a slip and fall accident that was caused by someone else's negligence, you may have grounds for a personal injury claim. Reach out to our legal team today for a free initial consultation!
